[vsnet-obs 54280] (no subject)

Gary Poyner garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Jan 15 20:20:27 JST 2006

Observations for January 14th 2006
Gary Poyner 
E-mail garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk  
Instrument: 35cm SCT, 22cm, 10x50B

Partially clear with Moon.  Heavy dew.

Star             UT            Mag
And DX         14.913          14.8
And EG         14.921          7.4
And FN         14.919         <14.6
And FO         14.920         <14.5
And IW         14.922          14.1:  Outburst? Through cloud!
And RX         14.921          14.1
And V402       14.918         <14.7
And Z          14.912          10.4
Cam Z          14.840          13.5
Cas AM         14.910          14.8
Cas DK         14.901         <14.4
Cas GX         14.899         <14.6
Cas HT         14.903         <14.8
Cas KU         14.904         <14.4
Cas UV         14.908          11.0
Cas V452       14.906         <14.6
Cas V630       14.911         <14.9
Cas V635       14.905         <14.6
Cas V723       14.901          14.8
Cep CG         14.830          14.6
Cep FX         14.831         <14.5
Cep Var75      14.838         <14.8
Cyg CH         14.826           7.6
Cyg Q          14.824          14.7
Cyg SS         14.824          12.1
Cyg V1251      14.819         <14.8
Cyg V630       14.822         <14.9
Cyg V632       14.822         <14.6
Dra AB         14.829          13.0   Outburst
Dra CP         14.844         <14.7
Dra DO         14.843         <14.3
Dra MN         14.832         <14.3
FBS1719+834    14.833         <14.7
FBS1735+825    14.835         <14.9
GSC2736106     14.826          13.3   active
HS2331+3905    14.915         <14.6
Lac BL         14.820          14.7
MisV1147       14.908          14.9
NSV 15133      14.902          10.7
NSV 25966      14.837         <14.3
Peg IP         14.827         <14.4
Peg V378       14.917          13.9
Per DY         14.924          11.1
RXJ0131.4+     14.916         <14.6
S50716+71      14.845          13.3
UMa CH         14.840          14.7
UMa CI         14.842         <14.1
UMi SS         14.835         <14.2
UMi Z          14.828          14.5   steady


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