[vsnet-obs 54427] Observations

Georg Comello comello at astro.rug.nl
Thu Feb 16 17:44:26 JST 2006

Observations for February 15, 2006  
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm SC, f/10
Charts/Seq.: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise
Conditions : clearing up after rain, later many broken clouds
             and moonlight
Star      Date UT           Mag    code

CETX      20060215.77       13.3   CMG
CETR      20060215.77        9.7   CMG
CETomi    20060215.77        8.5   CMG
PSCS      20060215.77        9.5   CMG
PSCRX     20060215.77       11.2   CMG
PSCW      20060215.77       11.6   CMG
ANDUW     20060215.77       11.5   CMG
ANDT      20060215.77       13.8   CMG
ANDTU     20060215.77       11.3   CMG
ANDY      20060215.77       12.1   CMG
ANDRU     20060215.77       11.6   CMG
ANDRW     20060215.77       10.0   CMG
ANDV      20060215.77       12.7   CMG
ANDRX     20060215.783      13.9   CMG
PEGZ      20060215.78       13.1   CMG
DRAR      20060215.78       13.1   CMG
DRART     20060215.78       10.8   CMG
DRAU      20060215.78       13.1   CMG
MONY      20060215.78       13.0   CMG
MONV      20060215.78       12.4   CMG
CNCV      20060215.78        9.3   CMG
UMAS      20060215.78       11.9   CMG
UMAZ      20060215.78        8.2   CMG
GEMZZ     20060215.78       12.1   CMG
GEMVV     20060215.78       13.4   CMG
GEMWZ     20060215.78       12.3   CMG
GEMV      20060215.78       12.6   CMG
CNCU      20060215.80       11.3   CMG
CNCW      20060215.94       10.2   CMG
CEPRY     20060215.94       12.3   CMG
HYAS      20060215.94        8.1   CMG
LYNU      20060215.94       10.1   CMG

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