[vsnet-obs 54449] 20060218 Observations

Steve and Kathy Kerr srkak at iinet.net.au
Sun Feb 19 07:14:03 JST 2006

Some selected observations ...

ASAS023322	20060218.448		14.7::  AAVSO*
HYIWX			20060218.456		13.4	RASNZ
HYIVW		20060218.457		10.6	RASNZ
ORIV1159		20060218.472		14.3     RASNZ
ORICN			20060218.473		12.9	AAVSO
CMAHL		20060218.481		11.8	RASNZ
CENV442		20060218.513		12.7	RASNZ

*This was my first visit to the ASAS023322 field.  I reaslise that 
this object is reported to have faded by now but I can see an object 
at the position marked on the AAVSO chart right at the edge of 
detection.  Is there another field star in the area?

Steve Kerr
Rockhampton, QLD

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