[vsnet-obs 54450] RS Oph & Y Oph obs by RWG 20060219

Wolfgang Renz w_renz at onlinehome.de
Sun Feb 19 15:13:19 JST 2006

The most recent RS Oph obs through a break in the cirrus cover:

STAR    DATE(UT)       mag   REMARKS
OphY    20060219.215   6.5   10x70, moon, cirrus, LM 7.4mag
OphRS   20060219.217   6.7   10x70, moon, cirrus, LM 7.4mag, active

I hope she is still bright enough for some more amateur spectra.

Clear skies

Wolfgang Renz, Karlsruhe, Germany
Rz.BAV = WRe.vsnet = RWG.AAVSO

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