[vsnet-obs 54471] RS Oph, CCD obs. (2006 Feb 21, GRL)

Bjorn H. Granslo b.h.granslo at astro.uio.no
Wed Feb 22 08:50:36 JST 2006

Norwegian Astronomical Society - Variable Star Section

CCD observation of RS Ophiuchi from 2006 Feb 21 UT

Observer: Bjorn H. Granslo [GRL]
Location: Fjellhamar, Norway
Equipment: 20.3-cm f/3.5 SCT + ST-7 CCD + V-filter [C203+CCD]
Observations: Differential photometry

Variable YYYYMMDD(UT)   Magn  Obs  Instrum.  Mag.ref  Error
OPHRS    20060221.241   7.26V GRL  C203+CCD  NAS.VSS  +/-0.03 mag

The observation from Feb. 21.241 UT was made in strong twilight
(solar altitude -7.2 degrees). The comparison star was HD 162215
(NAS.VSS reference star J) at magnitude V = 9.31 (ref. A. Henden).

The image from Feb. 21.241 is a stack of 15x10 seconds and is placed
at http://www.astro.uio.no/~bgranslo/images/RSOph_2006Feb21_V.jpg .

                                      Yours sincerely,
                                      Bjorn H. Granslo

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