[vsnet-obs 54517] Observation (Rip)

Hitoshi YAMAOKA yamaoka at rc.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Thu Mar 2 20:24:23 JST 2006

>From: "Jose Ripero" <jripero at vigiacosmos.com>
Subject: Observation of RS Oph outburst
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 06:16:27 +0100

Dear observers, enclosed observation  of RS  Oph outburst .

Jose Ripero (OJR/Rip).  M 1 Group/MADRID (SPAIN)
Clear  sky. Cold

STAR         DATE                     MG.      REMARKS

OPHRS     060302.2083          7.9    Rip    Binoculars  Baader 11x80.   AAVSO Chart a  (dated 050223)

(The comparison stars used were stars of mg.  7.4 and 8.0 of this chart)

Good observations and clear skies

    jripero at wanadoo.es

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