[vsnet-obs 54531] VS Obs March 3,4 & 5

Gary Poyner garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Mar 5 22:24:39 JST 2006

Observations for March 3rd, 4th & 5th 2006
Gary Poyner
E-mail garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
Instrument: 35cm SCT, 22cm, 10x50B

Partially clear nights with frequent cloud.

Star             UT            Mag   
3C 66A         3.833           14.4
And AR         3.831           13.1   active
And DX         3.813           14.9
And EG         3.827            7.4
And FN         3.826           14.3   active
And FO         3.826          <14.8
And HP         3.828          <15.0
And IW         3.828          <15.1
And KV         3.833          <15.1
And KW         3.836          <14.9
And LL         3.831          <14.6
And LS         3.829          <15.2
And LX         3.832           14.8   active
And PQ         3.835          <15.0
And RX         3.827           13.8
And Z          3.812           10.5
Aur FS         4.934          <15.2
Aur HV         4.937          <15.3
Aur KR         4.933           13.0
Aur SS         4.932          <15.2
Cam AF         3.841          <15.1
Cam AF         4.907          <15.1
Cam BY         4.929           15.6
Cam BZ         4.926           13.0
Cam CG         4.925           13.8
Cam CI         4.930           12.0
Cam FT         4.927          <15.2
Cam LU         4.931          <15.5
Cam XX         3.842            7.7
Cam XX         4.924            7.6
Cas AM         3.807           15.1
Cas DK         3.802          <15.0
Cas GX         3.800          <15.1
Cas GX         4.863          <15.1
Cas HT         3.803          <14.8
Cas KU         3.804          <14.7
Cas UV         3.808           10.8
Cas V452       3.810          <15.0
Cas V630       3.811          <14.9
Cas V635       3.806          <15.1
Cas V723       3.801           15.0
Cas V723       4.865           15.0
Cep Var75      3.820          <14.8
CMi AQ         4.954          <15.2
CMi SV         4.956          <15.4
Cnc AK         4.921          <15.5
Cnc AT         4.926           14.4
Cnc CC         4.924          <15.6
Cnc DE         4.922          <15.2
Cnc DW         4.919           15.5
Cnc EG         4.928          <15.4
Cnc GY         4.925          <15.4
Cnc GZ         4.918           15.5   active
Cnc SY         4.926           11.7   active
Cnc YZ         4.928           12.5   active
Com AL         5.013          <14.8
Com GO         5.010          <15.3
Com IR         5.011          <15.8
Com W          5.008           14.7
CrB R          5.049            6.1
CrB T          5.050           10.4
Dra AB         3.815           14.5
Dra AB         4.903           14.5
FBS1719+834    3.818          <14.7
FBS1719+834    4.906          <15.3
FBS1735+825    3.819          <14.9
FBS1735+825    4.906          <15.4
Gem AW         4.951          <15.6
Gem CI         4.949          <15.5
Gem IR         4.950           15.7
Gem U          4.929           14.2
Gem UV         4.947          <15.1
HS2331+3905    3.814          <14.6
Hya CT         4.958          <15.4
Leo RZ         5.004          <15.2
Leo T          5.003          <14.6
Leo U          5.006          <15.4
Leo X          5.001           12.2   active
MisV1147       3.808           14.2
Mon BX         4.957           11.1
Mon V616       4.953          <15.0
Mon V651       4.956           11.0
NSV 15133      3.803           10.7
NSV 18241      5.003          <15.2
NSV 25966      3.819          <14.7
NSV 895        4.913          <15.4
OJ287          3.851           15.2
OJ287          4.922           15.2
Oph RS         5.188            8.3   active
Ori CZ         4.944          <15.4
Ori V344       4.944          <15.3
Ori V650       4.946          <15.3
Per DY         3.837           11.0
Per DY         4.908           11.1
Per FO         4.917           15.3   active
Per GK         3.843           13.2
Per GK         4.922           13.1
Per NS         4.913          <15.1
Per PU         4.915          <15.1
Per PV         4.914          <15.2
Per PY         3.849          <14.7
Per PY         4.919          <14.7
Per QY         3.844          <14.9
Per QY         4.923          <14.9
Per TZ         3.838           13.2   active
Per TZ         4.908           13.1
Per UV         3.839          <15.3
Per UV         4.910          <15.3
Per UW         3.840          <15.3
Per UW         4.910          <15.3
Per V336       3.845          <15.3
Per V336       4.921          <15.3
Per V392       4.912          <15.0
Per V518       3.842          <14.1
Per V518       4.924          <14.1
Per Var80      3.847          <14.6
Per Var80      4.919          <15.5
Per X          3.842            6.1
Per X          4.924            6.0
RXJ0131.4+     3.815          <14.6
RXSJ042332     4.935          <15.3
RXSJ053234     4.928          <15.6
SDSS 0729      4.931          <15.1
SDSS 0747      4.932          <15.5
SDSS 1730      5.038           14.6   Outburst
SN2006X        5.007           14.6   active
Tau RR         4.940           13.3
Tau SU         4.941           11.1
Tau T          4.942           10.2
Tau V1208      4.940          <14.5
Tau V701       4.938          <14.3
Tau VY         4.942           13.4
Tri UW         4.916          <15.0
UMi SS         3.817          <14.9
UMi SS         4.904          <14.9
UMi Z          3.816           14.3
UMi Z          4.903           14.3


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