[vsnet-obs 54597] Observations

Georg Comello comello at astro.rug.nl
Mon Mar 20 16:27:07 JST 2006

Observations for March 17, 2006  
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm SC, f/10
Charts/Seq.: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise
Conditions : hazy and frequently interruptions by high clouds 

Star      Date UT           Mag    code

ANDW      20060317.82        9.3   CMG
TRIR      20060317.82        8.1   CMG
TRIS      20060317.82       10.0   CMG
UMAS      20060317.82       10.6   CMG
UMAT      20060317.82        7.1   CMG  10x50 finder; bright max.
UMARS     20060317.82       10.0   CMG
CAMZ      20060317.826      10.8   CMG
AURUV     20060317.83       10.3   CMG
PERY      20060317.83        9.8   CMG
AURW      20060317.83        9.4   CMG
AURX      20060317.83       12.2   CMG
UMAR      20060317.83       10.9   CMG
AURU      20060317.83        9.4   CMG
TAURR     20060317.834      12.5   CMG
GEMT      20060317.83       10.9   CMG
GEMS      20060317.83        9.2   CMG
GEMR      20060317.83       10.3   CMG
GEMX      20060317.83        8.3   CMG
PERU      20060317.83       10.5   CMG
PERR      20060317.83       10.9   CMG
PERS      20060317.83       10.6   CMG
UMIT      20060317.83       10.3   CMG
UMIU      20060317.84        8.4   CMG
ORIU      20060317.84        8.1   CMG
ORIV      20060317.84        9.9   CMG
ORIRR     20060317.84       10.6   CMG
AURVX     20060317.84        8.6   CMG
AURST     20060317.84       11.5   CMG
CAST      20060317.85        8.9   CMG
CASVZ     20060317.85        9.8   CMG
CASS      20060317.85       11.9   CMG
CASX      20060317.85       11.1   CMG
CMIS      20060317.85        9.3   CMG
CMIR      20060317.85        8.2   CMG
CMIU      20060317.85        9.5   CMG
CMIV      20060317.85       10.6   CMG
LYNT      20060317.85       10.0   CMG
LYNU      20060317.85       10.0   CMG
LYNR      20060317.86        9.4   CMG

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