[vsnet-obs 54796] Observations

Georg Comello comello at astro.rug.nl
Thu Apr 27 15:34:58 JST 2006

Observations for April 26, 2006  
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm SC, f/10
Charts/Seq.: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise
Conditions : unfavourable : hazy sky and frequently clouds,later 
             total cloudcover

Star      Date UT           Mag   code

AURX      20060426.85        9.5   CMG
AURV      20060426.85       12.0   CMG
AURW      20060426.85       10.2   CMG  through distant tree
AURR      20060426.85       11.8   CMG
AURZ      20060426.85       10.8   CMG
AURSS     20060426.859      11.5   CMG
AURAA     20060426.86       12.6   CMG  trough distant tree
AURUV     20060426.86       10.4   CMG
AURVX     20060426.86        9.2   CMG
AURRU     20060426.86        9.6   CMG
CMIU      20060426.86        9.5   CMG
GEMT      20060426.86        9.6   CMG
GEMX      20060426.86       10.0   CMG
GEMZZ     20060426.87       10.1   CMG
GEMS      20060426.87       10.3   CMG
GEMR      20060426.87       11.6   CMG
GEMST     20060426.87       12.3   CMG
CNCV      20060426.87        8.1   CMG
CNCR      20060426.87       11.3   CMG
LEOR      20060426.87        5.1   CMG  10x50 finder
LEOS      20060426.87       10.2   CMG
VIRS      20060426.87       10.4   CMG  through thin cloud
VIRR      20060426.87        8.4   CMG
VIRRU     20060426.87       10.5   CMG
UMAT      20060426.88        8.0   CMG
UMAS      20060426.88        8.7   CMG
UMAZ      20060426.88        7.2   CMG
UMARS     20060426.88        9.7   CMG
UMAR      20060426.88       12.0   CMG  through thin cloud
BOOV      20060426.88        9.0   CMG

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