[vsnet-obs 54841] RCB Star V854 Cen Apparent Decline

Peter F Williams pfwilliams at onaustralia.com.au
Fri May 5 07:49:59 JST 2006

Good morning All,

Further to the below alert and RCB recent observations, V854 Cen has shown a
marked drop in brightness and may have commenced another decline.

Earlier observations from vsnet-alert 8917:

CENV854    20060417.465    88        WPX    Recovering, near maximum.
CENV854    20060429.394    80        WPX
CENV854    20060502.374    82        WPX

New observation:

CENV854    20060504.386    86        WPX    Possible new decline.


Peter Williams
Heathcote NSW

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Peter F Williams [mailto:pfwilliams at onaustralia.com.au]
  Sent: Wednesday, 3 May 2006 7:28 PM
  To: AVSON VSONetwork
  Cc: Patrick Schmeer [extpasc at yahoo.de]; vsnet rcb; vsnet alert; BAA VSS
ALERT; vsnet obs
  Subject: RE: RCB Star W Men Declined = Correction

  Hello All,

  Please note corrected March date of first observation listed below.
Apologies for the confusion.

  Thanks to Patrick for pointing out my typo error.

  Tks and regards

  Peter Williams
  Heathcote NSW
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Peter F Williams [mailto:pfwilliams at onaustralia.com.au]
    Sent: Wednesday, 3 May 2006 5:47 PM
    To: AVSON VSONetwork
    Cc: vsnet obs; BAA VSS ALERT; vsnet alert; vsnet rcb
    Subject: RCB Star W Men Declined

    The RCB Star W Men has declined as shown by the following visual


    MENW    20060326.443            135        WPX
    MENW    20060416.444            141        WPX
    MENW    20060502.444            <145      WPX

    Other recent RCB observations:

    ANTUX        20060502.441    121    WPX    Maximum
    APSS            20060502.393    98      WPX    Maximum
    CENUW       20060502.472    110    WPX    Recovering, near maximum
    CENDY        20060502.477    134    WPX    Maximum
    CENV854    20060417.465    88        WPX    Recovering, near maximum
    CENV854    20060429.394    80        WPX
    CENV854    20060502.374    82        WPX
    CRAV          20060502.539    100      WPX    Maximum
    CRAWX      20060502.531    117      WPX    Maximum
    LMCV4263 20060502.445    140      WPX    Maximum HV12842
    MUSY        20060502.475    106        WPX    Maximum
    NORRT      20060502.491    105        WPX    Maximum
    NORRZ      20060502.490    133        WPX    At minimum
    OPHV517   20060502.509    <145     WPX    At minimum
    OPHV2552  20060502.509    110      WPX    Maximum
    SGRRY        20060502.531    68         WPX   Maximum
    SGRVZ        20060502.544    106        WPX    Maximum
    SGRGU       20060502.543    123        WPX    Recovering
    TELRS        20060407.576    119        WPX    Recovering.
    TELRS        20060421.568    116        WPX
    TELRS        20060502.525    114        WPX


    Peter Williams
    Heathcote NSW
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