[vsnet-obs 54927] Observations

Georg Comello comello at astro.rug.nl
Wed May 31 16:38:06 JST 2006

Observations for May 30, 31, 2006  
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm SC, f/10
Charts/Seq.: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise
Conditions : clearing up with vanishing clouds; later cloudy again

Star      Date UT            Mag   code

CAST      20060530.98        9.2   CMG
CASV      20060530.98       11.7   CMG
CASUV     20060530.98       11.1   CMG *see note below
CASZ      20060530.98        9.9   CMG
CASW      20060530.98       10.2   CMG
CASRR     20060530.98       12.7   CMG
CASWY     20060530.98        9.4   CMG
CASSS     20060530.98       12.7   CMG
CASVZ     20060530.98       13.3   CMG
CASX      20060530.98       11.2   CMG
CASR      20060530.98        9.7   CMG
CYGSS     20060530.988      12.2   CMG
CYGWY     20060530.99       11.3   CMG
CAMZ      20060530.988      12.7   CMG
UMIZ      20060530.990      11.3   CMG
UMIX      20060530.99       13.5   CMG
SGEV      20060530.992      11.0   CMG
SCTR      20060530.992       5.6   CMG  10x50 finder
VULR      20060530.99       11.5   CMG
OPHRS     20060530.996      11.6   CMG
SGESV     20060530.996      10.8   CMG
SGEW      20060531.00        9.4   CMG
SGEST     20060531.00       12.6   CMG
PEGRZ     20060531.00       10.7   CMG
AQLX      20060531.00       10.2   CMG
AQLVX     20060531.00       13.0   CMG
AQLRT     20060531.00       11.9   CMG
OPHSS     20060531.00        8.9   CMG
OPHRY     20060531.00       10.5   CMG
OPHZ      20060531.00        9.6   CMG
OPHUZ     20060531.001      10.8   CMG
BOORR     20060531.00       13.6   CMG
BOORT     20060531.00       13.0   CMG  through thin cloud
LACR      20060531.00       11.1   CMG
LACS      20060531.00        9.5   CMG
OPHR      20060531.01       12.7   CMG
LYRMV     20060531.013      12.4   CMG
CRBR      20060531.014       5.9   CMG  10x50 finder

*CASUV : I think there is a significant difference in brightness between
         the two 115 comparison-stars on the AAVSO-chart: the northern 115 
         is visually fainter than the southern 11.5; the estimate also 
         seems to depend on the comparison-stars that were used.
         Northern 115 = GSC 3997 1149 1, VT-mag 11.4
         Southern 115 = GSC 3997 767,      VT-mag 11.9

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