[vsnet-obs 55383] bmm20050725

Marc Biesmans marc-biesmans at telenet.be
Wed Jul 26 06:26:25 JST 2006

Observer: Marc Biesmans, Essen, Belgium
          AAVSO Initials: BMM
          Internet: marc-biesmans at telenet.be
Instruments: 280 mm f/10 schmidt-cassegrain
             9 x 50 mm viewfinder
Visual observations for July 25, 2006
All times: UT

Date(UT)       Star        Magn.         Comp.stars   Chart info


20060725.1     And BU       9.5   BMM    92-96        E040724
20060725.0     Aql LO      10.8   BMM    106-109      E050612
20060725.0     Del RU      13.3   BMM    130-136      E030528
20060725.0     Del RX      12.1   BMM    120-126      E050812
20060725.0     Equ RR      12.3   BMM    121-128      E030531
20060725.0     Her BG      11.6   BMM    114-118      E050526
20060725.0     Her DS      13.5   BMM    131-136      E050418
20060725.0     Her SU      11.3   BMM    110-116      E050527
20060725.0     Her SV      10.1   BMM    100-104      D040325
20060725.0     Her VY      10.9   BMM    105-112      D9810
20060725.0     Peg AP      13.9   BMM    138-143      E051021 
20060725.0     Peg AS      11.2   BMM    110-114      E051019 
20060725.0     Peg DG      11.1   BMM    109-112      E041028
20060725.0     Peg TV      11.1   BMM    109-112      D051109 
20060725.0     Peg TZ      10.8   BMM    105-109      E040730 


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