[vsnet-obs 55949] Observations

Georg Comello comello at astro.rug.nl
Fri Sep 22 15:44:43 JST 2006

Observations for September 21, 2006  
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm SC, f/10
Charts/Seq.: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise
Conditions : another very fine, warm summernight!

Star      Date UT           Mag    code

CAMZ      20060921.830      11.9   CMG
LYRTW     20060921.83       12.8   CMG
LYRRW     20060921.83       11.6   CMG
LYRRS     20060921.83       14.6   CMG
LYRV      20060921.83       13.4   CMG
SGEV      20060921.835      10.8   CMG
ANDRX     20060921.836      11.3   CMG
LYRCE     20060921.84       13.9   CMG
CASV667   20060921.84       14.6   CMG
CEPY      20060921.84       14.2   CMG
EQUZ      20060921.84       12.5   CMG
PEGT      20060921.84       13.4   CMG
PEGRU     20060921.842      12.6   CMG
DRAYZ     20060921.84       14.5   CMG
CAPZ      20060921.84        9.4   CMG
CYGDW     20060921.85       13.5   CMG
CYGBN     20060921.85       12.3   CMG
CYGSS     20060921.860      12.3   CMG
CYGDG     20060921.86       13.4   CMG
ANDSX     20060921.86       13.4   CMG
ANDSV     20060921.86       14.4   CMG
DELT      20060921.87       14.7   CMG
PEGDL     20060921.87       10.2   CMG
CASSV     20060921.87        7.5   CMG

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