[vsnet-obs 56350] Observations

Georg Comello comello at astro.rug.nl
Wed Nov 1 16:45:32 JST 2006

Observations for October 31, 2006  (October 24 for HERRZ)
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm SC, f/10
Charts/Seq.: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise
Conditions : very clear between showers; moon and much wind 

Star      Date UT           Mag    code

HERRZ     20061024.75       11.1   CMG
CYGchi    20061031.82        7.3   CMG  10x50 finder
TAUV      20061031.90       11.6   CMG
TAURR     20061031.899      12.1   CMG
TAUR       20061031.90         10.1   CMG
CYGSS     20061031.901       8.9   CMG
CAMZ      20061031.903      12.5   CMG
CYGCH     20061031.903       9.7   CMG  fainter
PERDY     20061031.906      12.5   CMG
CEPPQ     20061031.91       12.5   CMG  seq.: TASS-4
CEPT      20061031.91        6.0   CMG
PEGRU     20061031.912      12.6   CMG
AURAY     20061031.91       11.7   CMG
TAUR      20061031.91        9.8   CMG
AURU      20061031.91       13.7   CMG
AURGQ     20061031.91       13.0   CMG
AURV      20061031.91        9.8   CMG
AURX      20061031.91        8.5   CMG
AURUV     20061031.91        9.0   CMG
AURAZ     20061031.91        9.1   CMG
AURVX     20061031.91       10.1   CMG
AURAC     20061031.91       13.2   CMG
AURAA     20061031.91       13.8   CMG
CYGV2362  20061031.922      11.4   CMG  seq.: TASS4-V
LYNS      20061031.92       13.8   CMG
LYNR      20061031.92       12.9   CMG
LYNU      20061031.92      :14.5   CMG
CAMRT     20061031.92        9.5   CMG
ORIR      20061031.92        9.8   CMG
CETU      20061031.93       11.0   CMG
ANDRX     20061031.931      13.9   CMG

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