[vsnet-obs 56778] Observations BVE December 15, 2006

Erwin van Ballegoij aavso.id.bve at home.nl
Sat Dec 16 22:41:40 JST 2006

Obs.    : Erwin van Ballegoij, Heesch, the Netherlands
Instr.  : 31,8 cm f/4.8 Newtonian, 8x50 finder
e-mail  : aavso.id.bve at home.nl

all used charts: AAVSO, unless otherwise noted

Observations for December 15, 2006
atmosph.: good transparancy and seeing. Clouds very slowly moving in 
from the north.

star       date [UT]     magn.  Obs  Remarks
---------- ------------- ------ ---  -------
ARIR       20061215.8542  12.0  BVE 
ARIS       20061215.8576  13.7  BVE 
ARIT       20061215.8597   9.9  BVE 
ARITT      20061215.8583   9.7  BVE 
CEPdelta   20061215.8368   4.0  BVE  naked eye
CEPRY      20061215.8410  11.7  BVE 
CEPS       20061215.8424   9.7  BVE 
CEPT       20061215.8375   6.4  BVE  8x50
CETomi     20061215.8625   8.2  BVE 
CETR       20061215.8611   8.7  BVE 
CETU       20061215.8639   7.3  BVE 
CETX       20061215.8653   9.9  BVE 
CYGSS      20061215.8438  10.8  BVE  active
DRAAB      20061215.8403  12.4  BVE  active
GEMR       20061215.8701   7.7  BVE 
GEMS       20061215.8681   9.9  BVE 
GEMU       20061215.8674  14.2  BVE 
GEMX       20061215.8715   8.7  BVE 
LACR       20061215.8514 <14.5  BVE 
LACS       20061215.8486  10.8  BVE 
ORICN      20061215.8965  12.3  BVE  active
ORIFG      20061215.8819  11.3  BVE 
ORIGT      20061215.8931  12.1  BVE 
ORIR       20061215.8840  11.8  BVE 
ORIRR      20061215.8778  10.0  BVE 
ORIS       20061215.8903   8.3  BVE 
ORIU       20061215.8736  10.7  BVE 
ORIV       20061215.8882   8.9  BVE 
ORIV371    20061215.8924  11.7  BVE 
ORIW       20061215.8854   6.5  BVE  8x50
ORIY       20061215.8799  12.8  BVE 
TAUSU      20061215.8750  10.1  BVE 
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