[vsnet-obs 57062] Observations BVE January 15, 2007

Erwin van Ballegoij aavso.id.bve at home.nl
Wed Jan 17 04:43:28 JST 2007

Obs.    : Erwin van Ballegoij, Heesch, the Netherlands
Instr.  : 31,8 cm f/4.8 Newtonian, 8x50 finder
e-mail  : aavso.id.bve at home.nl

all used charts: AAVSO, unless otherwise noted

Observations for January 15, 2007
atmosph.: moderate transparancy and seeing. Some cirrus clouds.

star       date [UT]     magn.  Obs  Remarks
---------- ------------- ------ ---  -------
AURAG      20070115.9514  10.1  BVE 
AURGO      20070115.9493  10.7  BVE 
AURR       20070115.9382   9.4  BVE 
AURSS      20070115.9424 <14.6  BVE 
AURST      20070115.9451  11.4  BVE 
AURV       20070115.9507  11.5  BVE 
AURX       20070115.9472  12.7  BVE 
AURZ       20070115.9403  11.2  BVE 
CMIR       20070115.9799   8.3  BVE 
CMIS       20070115.9771   8.7  BVE 
CMIT       20070115.9819  11.7  BVE 
CMIU       20070115.9833  10.6  BVE 
CMIV       20070115.9792  10.2  BVE 
GEMBP      20070115.9757 <14.3  BVE 
GEMR       20070115.9667   8.6  BVE 
GEMS       20070115.9674   9.9  BVE 
GEMT       20070115.9688  10.9  BVE 
GEMU       20070115.9632  10.7  BVE  outburst
GEMV       20070115.9715 <14.2  BVE 
GEMX       20070115.9653  10.5  BVE 
GEMXY      20070115.9743  10.7  BVE 
PERGK      20070115.9368  12.0  BVE 
UMIS       20070115.9549  10.4  BVE 
UMIT       20070115.9611  11.6  BVE 
UMIU       20070115.9583   8.3  BVE 
UMIZ       20070115.9528  11.5  BVE  fading?
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