[vsnet-obs 57128] Fw: N Cen 2007 - corrigenda

Daisaku NOGAMI nogami at kwasan.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sat Jan 27 04:39:09 JST 2007

Note that this nova was named V1065 Cen (see IAUC 8800).

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 11:16:49 +0000 (GMT)
From: Alexandre Amorim <costeira1 at yahoo.com>
Subject: N Cen 2007 - corrigenda

  Please, remove this observation

1138-57 N CEN 07  2454125.8646  8.8 T      822,884    GUIDE7  AAX 

CENnova2007 20070125.3646  8.8 AAX TYC

  And replace it to this:

1138-57 N CEN 07  2454125.8236  8.8 T      822,884    GUIDE7  AAX 

CENnova2007 20070125.3236  8.8 AAX TYC

  Note: error in day fraction UT

********* Alexandre Amorim ***********
*        Estacao  Costeira1          *
*         Florianopolis/SC           *
*    email: costeira1 at yahoo.com      *
* http://costeira1.astrodatabase.net *

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