[vsnet-obs 57666] Nova Cygni 2007, B. H. Granslo (GRL, NAS.VSS)

Bjorn H. Granslo b.h.granslo at astro.uio.no
Sun Mar 18 08:28:45 JST 2007

Observer: B. H. Granslo (Oslo & Fjellhamar, Norway)
Sequence: NAS.VSS (V-magnitudes from GCPD and TYC2 w/Bessell)

Variable     Date(UT)     Magn  Obs  Remarks
CYGnova2007  20070316.938  7.6  GRL  7x50B. Est. D-3;J+2 (class 2)
CYGnova2007  20070317.162  8.1  GRL  20.3-cm SCT. Est. F-1;G+4 (1)

Sequence: http://www.astro.uio.no/~bgranslo/sequence/Nova_Cyg_2007.seq
Image: http://www.astro.uio.no/~bgranslo/images/N2007CygMar17GRL.jpg

                               Yours sincerely,
                               Bjorn H. Granslo

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