[vsnet-obs 57912] Observations

Comello comello at astro.rug.nl
Mon Apr 16 16:57:14 JST 2007

Observations for April 14, 2007 
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm SC, f/10
Charts/Seq.: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise
Conditions : clear with some cirrus

Star      Date UT           Mag    code

MONY      20070414.83       10.9   CMG
TAURR     20070414.831      13.0   CMG
TAUSU     20070414.833      10.2   CMG
HYAUZ     20070414.83        9.7   CMG
AURR      20070414.83       13.0   CMG
AURAU     20070414.84       12.1   CMG
CAST      20070414.84        8.2   CMG
CASSS     20070414.84       10.6   CMG
PERS      20070414.84       11.1   CMG
PERU      20070414.84        9.9   CMG
CASV666   20070414.84       12.6   CMG
DRAY      20070414.84       12.8   CMG
CNCSY     20070414.844      13.1   CMG
LEORS     20070414.84       13.4   CMG
LEOTZ     20070414.84       12.6   CMG
LEOSX     20070414.84       10.1   CMG
CRTU      20070414.84       12.4   CMG
GEMSU     20070414.849      12.8   CMG
GEMRT     20070414.85       13.3   CMG
CMIV      20070414.85       13.7   CMG
CNCUY     20070414.85       12.6   CMG
HYAT      20070414.85       12.1   CMG
AURAC     20070414.86       13.8   CMG
AURW      20070414.86       13.5   CMG
AURS      20070414.86       13.3   CMG
AURRR     20070414.86        9.8   CMG
AURST     20070414.86      :14.0   CMG  close double; difficult!
HYAX      20070414.86       11.8   CMG
VIRRS     20070414.86        8.1   CMG
GEMS      20070414.92       13.6   CMG
DRAW      20070414.92       12.9   CMG
DRAX      20070414.92       12.0   CMG
DRAAG     20070414.918       9.8   CMG
DRAZZ     20070414.92       13.9   CMG
DRAAB     20070414.922      13.4   CMG

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