[vsnet-obs 58054] Observations (delayed because of short holidays)

Comello comello at astro.rug.nl
Fri May 4 16:24:31 JST 2007

Observations for April 26, 2007  
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm SC, f/10
Charts/Seq.: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise
Conditions : clear with moonlight; low-contrast sky

Star      Date UT           Mag    code

LYNS      20070426.88       10.9   CMG
LYNR      20070426.88        9.5   CMG
LYNT      20070426.88        9.6   CMG
LYNU      20070426.88       10.0   CMG
AURVX     20070426.88       11.3   CMG
UMIT      20070426.88       12.0   CMG
UMIS      20070426.88       11.8   CMG
UMIU      20070426.88       10.3   CMG
BOORR     20070426.88       12.7   CMG
BOOR      20070426.88       10.5   CMG
BOOS      20070426.88        9.0   CMG
BOORT     20070426.88       12.6   CMG
BOOV      20070426.88        8.7   CMG
CRBW      20070426.88        7.9   CMG
CRBS      20070426.88       12.1   CMG
CRBV      20070426.88       10.1   CMG
CRBR      20070426.892       6.1   CMG  10x50 finder
CRBT      20070426.892      10.2   CMG
UMAZ      20070426.90        6.9   CMG  10x50 finder
UMAS      20070426.90       11.2   CMG
UMAX      20070426.90       11.1   CMG
DRARV     20070426.90       10.4   CMG
DRAU      20070426.90       12.4   CMG
DRAYZ     20070426.90       10.5   CMG
DRAV      20070426.90        9.8   CMG
DRAX      20070426.90       11.2   CMG
DRAW      20070426.90       12.4   CMG
DRAT      20070426.90       10.2   CMG
DRAWZ     20070426.90        9.8   CMG
DRAY      20070426.90       11.5   CMG
CEPS      20070426.91       10.1   CMG
CEPT      20070426.91        9.6   CMG
CEPAX     20070426.91       11.0   CMG
CEPRY     20070426.91       12.2   CMG
CAMX      20070426.91       12.8   CMG
CAMT      20070426.91        8.5   CMG
CAMR      20070426.91        8.9   CMG
CVNR      20070426.92       10.8   CMG
CVNT      20070426.92       11.2   CMG
CVNU      20070426.92        9.4   CMG
HERRU     20070426.92        7.0   CMG  10x50 finder; bright max.!
HERRS     20070426.92       12.0   CMG
HERSY     20070426.92        8.3   CMG
HERT      20070426.92        9.1   CMG
HERW      20070426.92       11.5   CMG
LYRW      20070426.92        9.7   CMG
LYRV      20070426.92        9.3   CMG
SERU      20070426.92       10.5   CMG
VIRRS     20070426.92        8.0   CMG
VIRS      20070426.93       10.9   CMG

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