[vsnet-obs 58163] Vis Obs May 18, 2007 SXN

Mike Simonsen mikesimonsen at mindspring.com
Fri May 18 18:32:57 JST 2007

Mike Simonsen (SXN)   
C. E. Scovil Observatory
Imlay City, MI USA
12" LX200, 12mm Nagler
AAVSO, Henden and Simonsen sequences.
Clear, cool, calm beautiful morning sky.

HERPR 070518.341 <15.3  SXN   
HERV1008 070518.3396 <15.4  SXN   
LYRAY 070518.3444  13.9  SXN   OUTBURST
LYRCY 070518.3354  14.3  SXN   OUTBURST
LYRDM 070518.3375 <15.3  SXN   
LYRLL 070518.3319 <15.7  SXN   
LYRMV 070518.3535 <15.3  SXN   
LYRV344 070518.3465  14.7  SXN   OUTBURST
LYRV358 070518.3479 <15.4  SXN   
LYRV391 070518.3424 <15.6  SXN   
LYRV415 070518.3563 <15.0  SXN   
LYRV419 070518.3576 <15.3  SXN   
LYRV493 070518.35 <15.4  SXN   
LYRV585 070518.3618 <15.1  SXN   
LYRV587 070518.359 <14.9  SXN   

Visual scope reinstalled to observatory dome and working flawlessly.

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