[vsnet-obs 58423] [FWD]

Hitoshi YAMAOKA yamaoka at rc.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Wed Jun 27 10:17:04 JST 2007

From: "adolfo.darriba" <adolfo.darriba at terra.es>
Subject: Observations this weekend. June 2007
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 23:00:52 +0200

Adolfo Darriba
Group M1
(Madrid, Spain)

Celestron C8-SP the 203 mm. a F/10.
Ultima 30 mm. and Ultima 12.5 mm.
Finder 6 x 30 and finder binocular 8 x 50
(AAVSO Charts)

1544+28AR CRB     2454275.4583  6.3                   SE1999  DAM
2349+56 RHO CAS   2454275.4600  4.8        49         SA1997  DAM
1454+41 TT BOO    2454275.4653<14.0        139        PE1982  DAM
1439+22AUZ BOO    2454275.4688<14.4        143,144    PE1994  DAM

P.D.: En esa noche, observe un "Pilar Solar" sobre la Luna. Hacia
arriba 8, y hacia abajo 2, de la Luna. La Luna estaba a unos 4
de altura. Se via durante 30 minutos 
Mi primera vez.

In that night, I observed a "Sun Pillar" on the Moon. Up 8, and down
2, of the Moon. The Moon was at some 4 of height. It was seen  
during 30 minutes
My first time.

CRBR    20070623.9583   63   DAM
CASrho  20070623.9600   48   DAM
BOOTT   20070623.9653 <140   DAM
BOOUZ   20070623.9688 <144   DAM

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