[vsnet-obs 58561] Observations

Georg Comello G.Comello at rug.nl
Mon Jul 16 16:38:15 JST 2007

Observations for July 15, 2007  
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm SC, f/10
Charts/Seq.: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise
Conditions : clear; hazy in lower altitudes; many musquitos!

Star      Date UT           Mag    code

CAMZ      20070715.933      12.4   CMG
CAMSW     20070715.93       11.5   CMG  chart/seq.: RJB/TASS-4
CAMV      20070715.93       10.4   CMG
CRBR      20070715.938       6.8   CMG  10x50 finder
CRBT      20070715.938      10.3   CMG
HERNP     20070715.94       11.1   CMG
HERAH     20070715.941      11.5   CMG
HERXZ     20070715.94       11.2   CMG
HERWZ     20070715.94       11.5   CMG
HERUZ     20070715.94       13.3   CMG
HERUV     20070715.94        9.6   CMG
HERVY     20070715.94       12.3   CMG
SGRV5558  20070715.945       8.2   CMG
DRARV     20070715.95       14.3   CMG
DRAYZ     20070715.95       11.3   CMG
DRAAG     20070715.952       9.5   CMG
UMARR     20070715.95        9.9   CMG
CYGV482   20070715.957      11.1   CMG
CYGDW     20070715.96       13.4   CMG
CYGDU     20070715.96       11.7   CMG
CYGLX     20070715.96       13.1   CMG
CYGSS     20070715.964      12.2   CMG
CYGIZ     20070715.96       13.4   CMG
CYGDH     20070715.96       13.0   CMG  out of sequence
DELRU     20070715.96       11.2   CMG
VULBD     20070715.97       11.6   CMG
SGER      20070715.969       9.5   CMG
SCTR      20070715.971       6.2   CMG  10x50 finder
PERRR     20070715.97       13.1   CMG
PERRZ     20070715.97       10.5   CMG
ANDSX     20070715.97       13.0   CMG
ANDST     20070715.97        9.6   CMG
ANDBU     20070715.97       10.6   CMG
ANDSZ     20070715.97       13.4   CMG
ANDSV     20070715.97       13.9   CMG
ANDUW     20070715.97       12.0   CMG
PERDY     20070715.979      11.3   CMG
UMIX      20070715.98       13.2   CMG
AQLEM     20070715.99       12.3   CMG
CEPRR     20070715.99       13.7   CMG
LACSU     20070716.00       11.2   CMG     

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