[vsnet-obs 58647] Observations

Comello comello at astro.rug.nl
Wed Jul 25 16:30:04 JST 2007

Observations for July 24, 2007  
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm SC, f/10
Charts/Seq.: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise
Conditions : very clear

Star      Date UT           Mag    code

CRBR      20070724.922       7.6   CMG  15x80 binoculars
SCTR      20070724.924       6.5   CMG  10x50 finder
SGRV5558  20070724.925       8.3   CMG
CYGSS     20070724.927      12.2   CMG
CYGchi    20070724.93       10.5   CMG
OPHRT     20070724.93       12.7   CMG
OPHUZ     20070724.931      12.2   CMG
HERAH     20070724.933      13.5   CMG
CAMZ      20070724.935      13.1   CMG
PEGRU     20070724.935      12.6   CMG
AQLES     20070724.935      12.2   CMG
ANDRX     20070724.938      13.6   CMG
ANDZ      20070724.938      10.9   CMG

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