[vsnet-obs 58811] Observations

Comello g.comello at home.nl
Mon Aug 6 16:12:31 JST 2007

Observations for August 6, 2007
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm SC, f/10
Charts/seq.: AAVSO, unless otherwise noted
Conditions : very tranasparant sky; later last quarter-moon rising

Star      Date UT           Mag    code

CAMZ      20070806.010      11.9   CMG
CYGSS     20070806.012      12.3   CMG
CAPZ      20070806.01       11.2   CMG
PERGK     20070806.013      13.1   CMG
PERR      20070806.01       12.6   CMG
ANDRX     20070806.017      10.9   CMG
ANDRR     20070806.02       13.6   CMG
ANDRU     20070806.02       11.4   CMG
ANDY      20070806.02       14.0   CMG
PSCU      20070806.02       13.4   CMG
PSCS      20070806.02       13.8   CMG
PSCR      20070806.02       11.4   CMG
PSCX      20070806.02        8.5   CMG
PSCRX     20070806.02       10.0   CMG
PEGAS     20070806.03       14.0   CMG
PEGAN     20070806.03       13.1   CMG
PEGUU     20070806.03       14.0   CMG
PEGTV     20070806.03       14.4   CMG
EQUR      20070806.03       14.6   CMG
CASY      20070806.03       14.4   CMG
CEPX      20070806.04      :15.5   CMG
DRAAB     20070806.047      12.7   CMG
SGEV      20070806.049      11.3   CMG
AURZ      20070806.05       10.8   CMG
AURR      20070806.05       11.9   CMG
AURX      20070806.05       11.3   CMG
AURRU     20070806.05        9.3   CMG
AURV      20070806.05        9.8   CMG
AURW      20070806.05       11.5   CMG
AURAZ     20070806.05       12.9   CMG
CETZ      20070806.07       14.4   CMG
CETW      20070806.07        8.2   CMG  10x50 finder
CETomi    20070806.07        8.5   CMG
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