[vsnet-obs 58996] 2007 Aug 15-18 UT, visual [GRL, NAS.VSS].

Bjorn H. Granslo b.h.granslo at astro.uio.no
Mon Aug 20 07:04:38 JST 2007

Norwegian Astronomical Society - Variable Star Section.

Observations from 2007 August 15-18 UT [JD 2454327-2454331].

Observer: Bjorn H. Granslo [GRL].
Location: Fjellhamar, Norway.
Instruments: 20.3-cm f/10 SCT [C203]; 10.0-cm f/6 refractor [L100].
Observations: Visual, Pogson step estimates.
Report identification: grl_2007_08c.vis .

Variable    YYYYMMDD(UT)  Magn  Obs  Instrum.  Mag.ref  Estimates
ANDZ        20070815.01   10.6  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  L-2;M+1 [2]
ANDZ        20070818.91   10.6  GRL  L100;40x  NAS.VSS  L-2;M+1 [1]
CAMZ        20070816.97   11.6  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  G-5;K+2 [1]
CAMZ        20070818.87   11.8  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  G-8;K+1 [2]
CRBR        20070816.967  12.2  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  P-3;R=V;S+4 [2]
CRBR        20070818.875  12.6  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  R-3;S=V;T+2 [2]
CRBS        20070818.91    9.0  GRL  L100;40x  NAS.VSS  G-3;K+2;L+5 [1]
CRBT        20070816.96   10.3  GRL  L100;40x  NAS.VSS  U-5;X+3 [1]
CRBT        20070818.86   10.4  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  U-6;X+2 [1]
CYGCH       20070818.91    9.8  GRL  L100;40x  NAS.VSS  H-5;X+1 [1]
CYGSS       20070815.00   12.0  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  R-6;K-1 [2]
CYGSS       20070816.97   12.0  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  K-1;L+3 [2]
CYGSS       20070818.867   9.7  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  E-3;F+1 [1]
CYGchi      20070818.91    9.1  GRL  L100;40x  NAS.VSS  M-4;N+1 [1]
DRAAG       20070818.87    9.5  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  F-2;G+4 [1]
HERAC       20070818.91    7.5  GRL  L100;40x  NAS.VSS  E-3;F+2 [1]
OPHRS       20070816.95   10.7  GRL  L100;40x  NAS.VSS  P-2;R+2 [2]
OPHRS       20070818.87   10.7  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  P-2;R+2 [1]
OPHX        20070818.91    8.6  GRL  L100;40x  NAS.VSS  R-3;S+2 [1]
SGRV5558    20070818.892   8.4  GRL  L100;40x  NAS.VSS  E-6;H+6 [2]
VULnova2007 20070815.000   9.7  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  F-1;G+4 [2]
VULnova2007 20070816.965  10.2  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  G-1;H+3 [1]
VULnova2007 20070818.878  10.0  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  F-5;G+1 [1]

R CrB comparison stars (V-magnitudes from TASS Mark IV and NAS.VSS):
P = 11.87 [TYC 2039-0879]; R = 12.24 [GSC 2039-1463];
S = 12.65 [TYC 2040-0765]; T = 12.85 [GSC 2040-0650].
(Chart: http://folk.uio.no/bgranslo/charts/R_CrB_de.gif .)

Nova Vul 2007 comparison stars (V-magnitudes from Miles and ASAS-3):
F = 9.50 [HDE 350727]; G = 10.15 [HDE 345266]; H = 10.51 [HDE 345374].
(Chart: http://folk.uio.no/bgranslo/charts/Nova_Vul_2007_d.gif .)

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