[vsnet-obs 59000] CCD Obs Aug 20

Diego Rodriguez drodrig at jet.es
Tue Aug 21 18:33:59 JST 2007

OBJECT    DATE          MAG          
--------  ------------  ---------   
CPLac     20070820.910  16.55CV    
MVLyr     20070820.900  17.28CV     
V1776Cyg  20070820.912  16.70CV     
V446Her   20070820.893  15.21CV      
N Vul07   20070820.927   9.77CV      
V5558Sgr  20070820.880   8.15CV      

Observer: Diego Rodríguez
Telescope: LX200 20-cm f/10
CCD: ST9- USNO A2 -unfiltered and reduced  using V mag

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