[vsnet-obs 59478] Observations

Comello g.comello at home.nl
Mon Oct 8 22:00:31 JST 2007

Observations for October 8, 2007
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm SC, f/10
Charts/seq.: AAVSO, unless otherwise noted
Conditions : clear; then suddenly incoming clouds

Star      Date UT            Mag code

AURR      20071008.08       10.7   CMG
AURZ      20071008.08       10.1   CMG
AURX      20071008.08        8.4   CMG
AURW      20071008.08        9.4   CMG
AURRU     20071008.08       10.3   CMG
AURUV     20071008.08        9.4   CMG
AURU      20071008.08       13.6   CMG
AURV      20071008.08        9.5   CMG
AURVX     20071008.08        9.4   CMG
TAUR      20071008.09       10.8   CMG
TAUS      20071008.09       12.7   CMG
CETX      20071008.09        9.3   CMG
ORIU      20071008.09       12.5   CMG
ORIR      20071008.09        9.6   CMG
ORIV      20071008.09       10.4   CMG
ORIS      20071008.09       10.9   CMG
CMIS      20071008.10       11.6   CMG
CMIR      20071008.10        9.8   CMG
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