[vsnet-obs 59686] Photometry of Variables star

Daniel Mendicini daniel_mendicini at yahoo.com.ar
Mon Oct 29 21:24:13 JST 2007

GEMDM 20071026.4961 CV16.32 MDA   
AURQZ 20071026.4861 CV16.80 MDA
LEOU  20071026.4756 CV17.54 MDA

  Tzec Maun Foundation 
206mm refractor f/7.87
photometry differential-FILTER Clear 
Soft IRIS. Catalogo USNO A2.0

GEMDN 20071026.4989 CV15.63 MDA
Tzec Maun Foundation
14" Maksutov-Newtonian f/3.8 
photometry differential-FILTER Clear 
Soft IRIS. Catalogo USNO A2.0.
HS0943+1404 CCDR16.65 MDA
  Tel. Univ. of IOWA + CCD 
photometry differential -FILTER R 
Soft IRIS. Catalogo USNO A2.0

Daniel J. Mendicini
Santa Fe, Argentina
daniel_mendicini at yahoo.com.ar
d_mendicini at hotmail.com

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