[vsnet-obs 60702] Observations BVE February 2, 2008

Erwin van Ballegoij aavso.id.bve at home.nl
Sun Feb 3 19:36:30 JST 2008

Obs.    : Erwin van Ballegoij, Heesch, the Netherlands
Instr.  : 10" Meade LX200, 8x50 finder
e-mail  : aavso.id.bve at home.nl

all used charts: AAVSO, unless otherwise noted

Observations for February 2, 2008
atmosph.: good transparency and seeing. No clouds.

star       date [UT]     magn.  Obs  Remarks
---------- ------------- ------ ---  -------
AURAG      20080202.8875  11.2  BVE 
AURGO      20080202.8826  13.8  BVE 
AURR       20080202.8708   7.2  BVE 
AURSS      20080202.8771 <14.6  BVE 
AURV       20080202.8854  12.2  BVE 
AURX       20080202.8792  10.3  BVE 
AURZ       20080202.8729   9.8  BVE 
CAMT       20080202.8625  12.5  BVE 
CAMX       20080202.8590  11.2  BVE 
CEPdelta   20080202.8569   4.1  BVE  naked eye
ORICZ      20080202.8563  12.6  BVE  active
ORIU       20080202.8500   6.5  BVE 
TAURR      20080202.8528  12.6  BVE 
TAUSU      20080202.8549  10.2  BVE 
TAUT       20080202.8514  10.1  BVE 
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