[vsnet-obs 61161] 2008 Mar. 22 UT, V2468 Cyg [GRL, NAS.VSS]

Bjorn H. Granslo b.h.granslo at astro.uio.no
Sat Mar 22 13:54:17 JST 2008

Norwegian Astronomical Society - Variable Star Section.

Observation from 2008 March 22 UT [JD 2454547].

Observer: Bjorn H. Granslo [GRL].
Location: Fjellhamar, Norway.
Instrument: 203-mm SCT [C203], naked eye.
Observation: Visual, Pogson step estimates.
Report identification: grl_2008_03f.vis.

Variable     YYYYMMDD(UT)  Magn  Obs  Instrum.  Mag.ref  Estimates
CYGV2468     20080322.165  10.2  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  P-4;R+2 [2]

* V2468 Cygni = Nova Cygni 2008: Comparison stars (V-magnitudes from
   Tycho-2 catalogue w/Bessell and TASS-4): P = 9.79 [HDE 333118];
   R = 10.43 [HDE 333123]. Nova observed in morning twilight.

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