[vsnet-obs 61487] observations May 2+4

reinder j bouma rjbouma at home.nl
Mon May 5 23:16:23 JST 2008

Variable star observations for May 2+4, 2008
Observer: Reinder J. Bouma (AAVSO-code BMU).
Instruments: 31.0-cm Jones-Bird reflector.
Sequences: AAVSO, unless noted otherwise.
Conditions: ground fog (May 2), fine clear sky (May 4)

Object    date (UT)         magn.  code  remarks
CYGV2491  20080502.976      11.8   BMU   seq. Henden
CYGV2468  20080502.992      12.2   BMU   seq. Henden
CYGV2491  20080504.950      11.8   BMU   seq. Henden
CYGV2468  20080504.965      12.2   BMU   seq. Henden
CYGSS     20080504.969      12.3   BMU
CYGV482   20080504.972      10.9   BMU
CRBR      20080504.979      13.9   BMU
LEOX      20080504.984      12.6   BMU

Reinder J. Bouma    e-mail (1): rjbouma at home.nl
Bekemaheerd 77      e-mail (2): comets at home.nl
9737PR Groningen    homepage: http://www.shopplaza.nl/astro/
The Netherlands     phone: +31 (0)50-5418227

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