[vsnet-obs 61589] 2008 May 17-19 [GRL, NAS.VSS]

Bjorn H. Granslo b.h.granslo at astro.uio.no
Mon May 19 10:05:55 JST 2008

Norwegian Astronomical Society - Variable Star Section.

Observations from 2008 May 17-18 & 18-19 [JD 2454604-2454605].

Observer: Bjorn H. Granslo [GRL].
Location: Fjellhamar, Norway.
Instruments: 203-mm f/10 SCT [C203].
Observations: Visual, Pogson step estimates.
Report identification: grl_2008_05b.vis.

Variable     YYYYMMDD(UT)  Magn  Obs  Instrum.  Sequence Estimates
ANDZ         20080518.975   9.7  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  G-2;K+4 [2]
CAMZ         20080517.965  11.2  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  G-2;K+7 [2]
CAMZ         20080518.971  11.3  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  G-3;K+6 [2]
CRBT         20080517.962  10.4  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  W-2;X+2 [2]
CRBT         20080518.976  10.3  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  W-1;X+3 [2]
CYGSS        20080517.972  11.9  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  R-5;K=V [2]
CYGSS        20080518.972  11.9  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  R-5;K=V [2]
CYGBF        20080517.975   9.8  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  B-3;D+7 [2]
CYGCH        20080517.976   8.9  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  F-5;H+3 [2]
DRAAG        20080518.974  10.1  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  G-3;H+3 [2]
OPHRS        20080517.974  11.5  GRL  C203;100x NAS.VSS  S=V [2]

* Z Camelopardalis is in outburst. Comparison stars [V-magnitudes
   from Kraft et al. (1969) and Guide Star Photometric Catalog]:
   G = 10.98 [TYC 4380-1329]; K = 11.90 [TYC 4380-1249].
* Observations in nautical twilight. All-night bright sky season
   has started.

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