[vsnet-obs 61750] Observations BVE June 17, 2008

Erwin van Ballegoij aavso.id.bve at home.nl
Wed Jun 18 16:25:28 JST 2008

Obs.    : Erwin van Ballegoij, Heesch, the Netherlands
Instr.  : 10" f/6.3 Meade LX200, 8x50 finder
e-mail  : aavso.id.bve at home.nl

all used charts: AAVSO, unless otherwise noted

Observations for June 17, 2008
atmosph.: bad transparency and moderate seeing. No clouds. Full Moon low 
behind a building.

star       date [UT]     magn.  Obs  Remarks
---------- ------------- ------ ---  -------
AQLR       20080617.9646  10.1  BVE 
AQLX       20080617.9646  11.1  BVE 
BOOR       20080617.9410   9.3  BVE 
BOORR      20080617.9375  13.7: BVE  near limit
BOORT      20080617.9396  10.6  BVE 
BOORX      20080617.9424   8.5  BVE 
BOOS       20080617.9340  13.3: BVE  near limit
BOOU       20080617.9438  11.4  BVE 
BOOV       20080617.9361   8.7  BVE 
BOOZ       20080617.9458  12.5  BVE 
CEPdelta   20080617.9708   4.1  BVE  just possible with naked eye
CRBS       20080617.9514  12.0  BVE 
CRBV       20080617.9528  10.9  BVE 
CVNR       20080617.9299  11.9  BVE 
CYGSS      20080617.9715  11.8  BVE 
OPHRT      20080617.9583   9.6  BVE 
OPHRY      20080617.9611  11.7  BVE 
OPHX       20080617.9632   8.5  BVE 
OPHZ       20080617.9569  10.8  BVE 
SERU       20080617.9549   8.9  BVE 
UMAR       20080617.9153   7.3  BVE  8x50
UMARS      20080617.9215   9.2  BVE 
UMAS       20080617.9181   9.8  BVE 
UMAT       20080617.9201   8.2  BVE 
UMAZ       20080617.9167   9.0  BVE 
UMIS       20080617.9278   8.7  BVE 
UMIT       20080617.9250  11.9: BVE  near limit
UMIU       20080617.9264  11.3  BVE 
VIRR       20080617.9083   8.3  BVE 
VIRRS      20080617.9132   9.6  BVE 
VIRU       20080617.9111   8.8  BVE 
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