[vsnet-obs 62287] CCD Obs

Diego Rodriguez drodrig at jet.es
Tue Sep 16 19:28:56 JST 2008

OBJECT    DATE          MAG         
--------  ------------  ---------  -----  --  ---
PEGLS    20080914.950  12.21CV
PEGLQ    20080914.947  15.25CV   
LYRMV    20080914.900  17.45CV 
LYRHR    20080914.894  15.94CV    
AQLV1315  20080914.902  15.51CV  
AQLV1494  20080914.912  17.31CV   
CYGV1776  20080914.932  16.46CV    
CYGV2306  20080914.921  16.62CV   
GYGV2467 20080914.935  15.07CV   
HERV533   20080914.885  14.98CV    
HERV795   20080914.882  13.20CV  
HERDQ   20080914.891  14.46CV    
SGEWY     20080914.910  18.65CV   
VULQQ     20080914.930  14.90CV    

MRK501    20080914.873  13.72CV    

Observer: Diego Rodríguez
Telescope: LX200 25-cm f/10
CCD: ST9- USNO A2 -unfiltered and reduced  using V mag

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