[vsnet-obs 62515] VS Obs Oct 16

Gary Poyner garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Oct 17 18:54:45 JST 2008

Visual observations for October 16th 2008 
Gary Poyner   
E-mail garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk   
Instrument: 35cmSCT, 22cm & 10x50B, 16x70B

Increasingly hazy and very bright skies.

Star             UT           Mag  
And EG         16.879           7.5
And RX         16.878          10.9   active
And Z          16.885          10.0
Cyg CH         16.865           9.2
Cyg chi        16.861           4.8
Cyg CI         16.865           9.7
Cyg V1329      16.868          13.1
Cyg V482       16.867          10.8
Peg AG         16.883           8.8
Per DY         16.883          12.7
Sct R          16.862           6.0


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