[vsnet-obs 63126] Observations

comello at astro.rug.nl comello at astro.rug.nl
Thu Dec 11 18:38:48 JST 2008

Observations for December 10, 2008
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm SC, f/10
Charts/seq.: AAVSO, unless otherwise noted
Conditions : clear with much moonlight

Star      Date UT            Mag   code

HERT      20081210.70        9.4   CMG
HERSY     20081210.70        8.3   CMG
HERRS     20081210.70        8.5   CMG
AQLSY     20081210.70       12.0   CMG
AQLSV     20081210.70       12.5   CMG
AQLR      20081210.70        6.3   CMG
AQLRS     20081210.70       11.3   CMG
AQLZ      20081210.70       11.8   CMG
SGER      20081210.704       9.2   CMG
SGEV      20081210.704      11.4   CMG
CYGSS     20081210.706      10.4   CMG
CYGWY     20081210.71       13.4   CMG
CYGRZ     20081210.71       13.3   CMG
CYGBG     20081210.71       12.5   CMG
CYGDH     20081210.71       13.4   CMG
CYGLV     20081210.71       11.5   CMG
CYGBU     20081210.71       13.2   CMG
CASZ      20081210.71       12.5   CMG
CASV666   20081210.71       12.4   CMG
CASV      20081210.71       11.7   CMG
LYRTY     20081210.72       11.5   CMG
LYRUV     20081210.72       10.6   CMG
LYRW      20081210.72       11.4   CMG
LYRWZ     20091210.72       12.7   CMG
CAMZ      20081210.718      11.4   CMG
AQRW      20081210.72       11.6   CMG
AQRT      20081210.72        9.7   CMG
AQRR      20081210.72        5.8   CMG  10x50 finder
TRIS      20081210.72       10.0   CMG
DELRU     20081210.72       11.7   CMG
ANDBU     20081210.72       11.6   CMG
ANDBG     20081210.72       12.7   CMG
ANDTU     20081210.72       12.8   CMG
CEPRR     20081210.73       12.9   CMG

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