[vsnet-obs 63482] Datum-correction!

comello at astro.rug.nl comello at astro.rug.nl
Fri Jan 9 21:51:38 JST 2009

Please delete :

[vsnet-obs 63473] and [vsobs-share] for January 9, 2009.
These observations are for January 8, 2009 as given below :

Observations for January 8, 2009
Observer   : G.Comello, Roden, The Netherlands (AAVSO-code CMG)
Instrument : 30.5-cm SC,f/10
Charts/seq.: AAVSO, unless otherwise noted
Conditions : clear with much moonlight

Star      Date UT           Mag    code

CYGV1426  20090108.73       12.3   CMG  seq.: TASS-4
CYGFF     20090108.73       11.3   CMG
DELZ      20090108.73        8.8   CMG
DELX      20090108.73        9.6   CMG
DELS      20090108.73       10.3   CMG
PEGTZ     20090108.74        9.4   CMG
PEGTU     20090108.74        9.6   CMG
PEGRS     20090108.74       11.6   CMG
PEGZ      20090108.74       10.0   CMG
PEGSS     20090108.74       11.2   CMG
PEGS      20090108.74        7.8   CMG
ANDZ      20090108.749      10.7   CMG
ANDBG     20090108.75       11.3   CMG
ANDX      20090108.75        8.5   CMG
ANDST     20090108.75       10.6   CMG
ANDBU     20090108.75       12.4   CMG
ANDRU     20090108.75       11.2   CMG
ANDV      20090108.75       11.7   CMG
ANDRR     20090108.75       10.8   CMG
ANDU      20090108.75       12.0   CMG
ANDSV     20090108.75       10.8   CMG
ANDSX     20090108.75        9.8   CMG
ANDY      20090108.75        9.7   CMG
PERY      20090108.75        9.4   CMG
PERS      20090108.75       10.7   CMG
PERU      20090108.75        9.8   CMG
PERR      20090108.75        9.5   CMG
ARIR      20090108.76       12.6   CMG
ARIT      20090108.76        8.1   CMG
ARIU      20090108.76        9.3   CMG
CAMX      20090108.76       10.1   CMG
CAMR      20090108.76        9.7   CMG
CAMSU     20090108.76       10.6   CMG
UMIZ      20090108.767      12.7   CMG
UMIT      20090108.77       11.9   CMG
CETomi    20090108.77        3.6   CMG
CETU      20090108.77        8.4   CMG
TRIS      20090108.77       10.4   CMG
TRIR      20090108.77        6.7   CMG
PSCU      20090108.82       11.8   CMG
CAMZ      20090108.840      13.0   CMG
UMAR      20090109.84       13.0   CMG
UMAZ      20090109.84        8.7   CMG
DRARV     20090109.84       10.8   CMG
MONY      20090109.84        9.2   CMG
CMIR      20090109.85        8.1   CMG
CMIS      20090109.85        7.9   CMG
CMIV      20090109.85       10.4   CMG
ORIY      20090109.85       10.3   CMG
LYNS      20090109.85       11.8   CMG
AURAZ     20090109.85        9.9   CMG
GEMVX     20090109.85       10.3   CMG

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