[vsnet-obs 63953] bmm20090315-16

Marc Biesmans marc-biesmans at telenet.be
Wed Mar 18 00:48:47 JST 2009

Observer: Marc Biesmans, Essen, Belgium
          Initials: BMM
          Internet: marc-biesmans at telenet.be
Instruments: 280 mm f/10 schmidt-cassegrain (56 x and higher)
              80 mm f/9 refractor (18 x to 41 x) 
All charts and sequences: BMM

Visual observations for March 15/16, 2009
All times: UT

Date(UT)       Star        Magn.         Comp.stars   Chart info  Power  Seq. photometry 


20090315.9     Cnc SZ     <14.6   BMM    146          E050106     400 x  seq: USNO-B1.0
20090315.9     Cnc VW      11.4   BMM    110-115      E071111      90 x  seq: CCDV Henden
20090316.0     Leo S      <14.1   BMM    141          D081229     215 x  seq: USNO-B1.0 


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