[vsnet-obs 64089] SN Observations

Adolfo San Segundo assdelgado at yahoo.es
Sat Apr 4 10:17:48 JST 2009

SN2009at  20090331.941  15.51CR  SSA 
SN2009bv  20090331.958  16.60CR  SSA 
SN2009e   20090331.931  16.55CR  SSA 
SN2009an  20090401.914  16.00CR  SSA 
SN2009bs  20090401.950  17.47CR  SSA 

Observer: Adofo San Segundo
Telescope: 0.20-m f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain
CCD: ST-9  unfiltered USNOA2 R band 

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