[vsnet-obs 64414] CCD Obs May 27

Gary Poyner garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu May 28 05:43:42 JST 2009

CCD Observations for May 27th 2009 
Gary Poyner     
E-mail garypoyner at blueyonder.co.uk   
SRO 35cm+V                    
Observations taken in part through courtesy of the AAVSO and 
Sonoita Research Observatory. 
Star             UT             Mag    
Cas V630       27.407           16.04V
CrB AP         27.416           17.39V
Her V884       27.422           16.68V
Oph V2301      27.419           17.20V
RXSJ161008     27.413           16.64V
Vul QQ         27.439           14.74V


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