[vsnet-obs 64551] sn Observations

gustavo muler gustavomuler at telefonica.net
Sat Jun 20 19:34:04 JST 2009

rectification measures 19-06-2009
(thank you Jean-Claude !!!)
excuses for the mistake.


OBJETO    FECHA         MAG         +/-    N  OBS
--------  ------------  ---------  -----  --  ---
sn2009gf  20090620.007  15.77 CR     0.02   3  J47
sn2009gf  20090620.006  15.98 R     0.03   3  J47
sn2009gf  20090620.009  16.15 V     0.03   3  J47

Observer: Gustavo Muler
Telescope: LX200 300-mm F/6.35
CCD: ST8xme CMC-14 BVRI-filter-Bessel

FoCAs II - 02/12/2008

OBS G. Muler
MEA G. Muler
TEL 0.30-m Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD
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