[vsnet-obs 65266] CCD Obs Sep 17, 2009

Ian Miller furzehillobservatory at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 18 21:58:54 JST 2009

"Observations for September 17th, 2009."      
"Ian Miller., Swansea, S.Wales."      
35cm SCT+CCD(C)      
STAR     U.T. Mag.    
SDSS J113551.09+532246.2 17.846 15.8 Outburst   
SDSS J144011.01+494733.4 17.865 <17.0    
SDSS J150240.98+333423.9 17.869 <16.6    
SDSS J162718.39+120435.0 17.872 <17.3    
SDSS J204448.92-045928.8 17.890 16.6    
SDSS J210014.12+004446.0 17.899 <17.7    
SDSS J210131.26+105251.5 17.902 <17.1    
SDSS J223439.93+004127.2 17.906 <16.8    
SDSS J225831.18-094931.7 17.938 15.7    
SDSSpJ015151.87+140047.2 17.981 15.7 Active   
SDSSpJ172601.96+543230.7 17.875 <16.5    
SDSSpJ173008.38+624754.7 17.880 15.9 Active?  


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