[vsnet-obs 65370] Observations BVE September 26 & 27, 2009

Erwin van Ballegoij aavso.id.bve at home.nl
Tue Sep 29 02:24:35 JST 2009

Obs.    : Erwin van Ballegoij, Heesch, the Netherlands
Instr.  : 10" f/6.3 Meade LX200, 8x50 finder
e-mail  : aavso.id.bve at home.nl

all used charts: AAVSO, unless otherwise noted

Observations for September 26 & 27, 2009
atmosph.: moderate transparency and seeing. No clouds.

star       date [UT]     magn.  Obs  Remarks
---------- ------------- ------ ---  -------
AQLR       20090927.899     7.1 BVE  8x50
AQLV553    20090927.904    12.0 BVE
AQRAE      20090927.915    11.5 BVE
AQRR       20090927.924    10.1 BVE
AQRRR      20090927.922    10.5 BVE
AQRRS      20090927.921    11.6 BVE
AQRT       20090927.919     9.6 BVE
AQRU       20090927.923    10.9 BVE
AQRV       20090927.917     8.8 BVE
AQRW       20090927.919    11.0 BVE
BOORR      20090927.803    10.3 BVE
BOOV       20090927.802     8.9 BVE
CEPdelta   20090926.792     4.0 BVE  unaided eye
CEPdelta   20090927.804     4.1 BVE  unaided eye
CYGSS      20090927.942     8.4 BVE  active
DELRX      20090927.912    11.6 BVE
DELX       20090927.914     8.7 BVE
DELZ       20090927.913    11.6 BVE
LACR       20090927.942    10.8 BVE
LACS       20090927.941     8.7 BVE
LYRRY      20090927.898    10.6 BVE
LYRW       20090927.897     9.8 BVE
PEGAG      20090927.926     8.6 BVE
PEGDG      20090927.929    11.0 BVE
PEGLS      20090927.926    11.7 BVE
PEGRU      20090927.930    12.6 BVE
PEGRW      20090927.933     9.6 BVE
PEGY       20090927.928    13.1 BVE
PEGZ       20090927.935    12.0 BVE
PSCS       20090927.938    13.1 BVE
PSCST      20090927.936     9.6 BVE
PSCX       20090927.940    11.8 BVE
SGESV      20090927.906    10.5 BVE
SGEV       20090927.906    10.5 BVE
VULPU      20090927.908    12.6 BVE
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