[vsnet-obs 65469] Observations for October 8, 2009

Sebastián Otero varsao at hotmail.com
Sun Oct 11 06:04:30 JST 2009

AQLeta            20091008.966     4.04:   OSE
ARAalpha        20091008.963     2.82    OSE
GRUbeta         20091008.962        22     OSE
PAVlambda     20091008.965     4.25:   OSE
SCOalpha        20091008.960        10    OSE
SCOdelta         20091008.959     2.33    OSE

Delta Scorpii is back at its quiescent magnitude, at least for this week. 
The faintest it has been since the year 2000.

Best wishes,

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