[vsnet-obs 66073] CCD Obs Nov 30, 2009

Ian Miller furzehillobservatory at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 1 19:34:16 JST 2009

"Observations for November 30th, 2009."      
"Ian Miller., Swansea, S.Wales."      
35cm SCT+CCD(C) and Bradford Robotic Telescope(*)      
STAR     U.T. Mag    
And LL 30.907 <17.9    
And LS 30.863 <17.6    
And V402 30.859 <17.2    
Cas DK 30.853 <16.4    
Cas V452 30.856 <17.2    
Cas V630 30.845 16.2    
Cyg V1251 30.778 <16.6    
Cyg V1316 30.766 16.2 Bright   
Cyg V1363  30.762 <16.5    
Cyg V1454 30.757 <16.8    
Cyg V2176 30.753 <18.3    
Cyg V337 30.760 <16.7   
Cyg V404 30.773 <16.1   
FBS1719+834 30.933 <18.5   
FBS1735+825 30.936 <17.4   
Gem CI 30.927 <17.2   
Lac AY 30.785 <17.9   
Lyr HR 30.746 15.8   
Lyr V358 30.751 <17.5   
NSV 25747 30.780 <14.8   
NSV 25966 30.788 <15.9   
Ori V650 30.923 <16.7   
Per UW 30.913 <17.3   
UMa DV 30.274 <16.2 *  
Vul TY 30.775 <16.8   

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