[vsnet-obs 66312] CCD observation, 2009 Dec 20 UT (GRL)

bgranslo@astro.uio.no b.h.granslo at astro.uio.no
Mon Dec 21 10:50:53 JST 2009

CCD Observation: report from B. H. Granslo (Fjellhamar, Norway).

Instrument: Bradford Robotic telescope (Tenerife, Spain).

Variable     Date(UT)       Mag.   Obs.  Remarks
LEOTW        20091220.203  13.30V  GRL   BRT 35.5-cm SCT + CCD + V-filter

TW Leonis = GSC 1958-0493: Comparison star TYC 1958-0632 (mag. V = 11.988,
  ref. TASS-4); check star GSC 2494-0992 (V = 13.108, TASS-4). Observation
  reduced using AIP4WIN. TW Leo is a poorly studied variable of type M: .

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