[vsnet-obs 67363] CCD observations by Mro apr 20 and 30 2010

Miguel Rodríguez rxand at yahoo.com
Sat May 1 21:26:43 JST 2010

OBS: Miguel Rodriguez Marco
TEL: Schmidt Cassegrain 0.20-m f/6.3
CCD: QHY2 Pro Sony ICX285AL Bessell-Cousins VRI filters
CAT: USNO A2.0 / CMC-14

OBJECT    DATE          MAG         +/-    N  OBS  CAT
--------  ------------  ---------  -----  --  ---  ---
GemU      20100430.859  14.21V             1  Mro  CMC
HS0642+50 20100420.885  15.60V             1  Mro  USN


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