[vsnet-obs 70161] Observations BVE for April 21, 2011

Erwin van Ballegoij aavso.id.bve at home.nl
Fri Apr 22 14:54:25 JST 2011

Obs.    : Erwin van Ballegoij, Heesch, the Netherlands
Instr.  : 10" f/6.3 Meade LX200, 8x50 finder
e-mail  : aavso.id.bve at home.nl

all used charts: AAVSO, unless otherwise noted

Observations for April 21, 2011
atmosph.: moderate transparency and seeing. Observations stopped by clouds.

star       date [UT]     magn.  Obs  Remarks
---------- ------------- ------ ---  -------
AURGO20110421.86513.3 BVE
AURR20110421.85612.6 BVE
AURX20110421.8639.2 BVE
AURZ20110421.85910.7 BVE
BOOR20110421.8848.0 BVE
BOOS20110421.88112.0 BVE
BOOV20110421.8828.8 BVE
CRBT20110421.88610.1 BVE
CRBTT20110421.88811.6 BVE  *
CVNR20110421.87610.6 BVE
GEMR20110421.8699.7 BVE
GEMS20110421.87213.2 BVE
GEMT20110421.8749.7 BVE
GEMX20110421.8689.8 BVE
---------- ------------- ------ ---  -------
* sequence and chart by BMM, based on CCDV photometry by Henden.

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