[vsnet-obs 70534] [SN] [MEAS] SN2011dh

Sylvain Reuze Sylvain.Reuze.Etu at univ-lemans.fr
Tue Jun 7 18:56:39 JST 2011


I took a color image of this supernova on saturday 4th with a Vixen  
VC200L scope on an Atlas EQ-G mount. I used a Canon EOS 40D camera  
without any filter.
This image has been taken in Craponne-sur-Arzon (France), between 22  
and 23 o'clock TU.

Best regards

Sylvain Reuzé
Étudiant en L1 Physique-Chimie à l'UFR de Sciences
Université du Maine, Le Mans

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